So here is my all time favorite cleaning product, ready for it, BAKING SODA
Yes, plan old baking soda! It is amazing stuff! Why baking soda you may ask. Well is safe and natural. Ever since I have had children I have been weary about using too many chemical for household cleaning. This has become amplified by the fact that for whatever reason Littles' bedroom is a black hole for odors and fumes.
I swear her room sucks in the air from all over the house and holds it there. I can make dinner at 5 pm (nothing particularly smelly) and at 8pm when I go to put her to sleep her room still smells like dinner is cooking.
The worst part is when I clean. If I use bleach anywhere in the house, like to clean the toilets or sinks in the kitchen, her room smells like an open bottle of bleach
So I only use bleach when absolutely necessary (to disinfect, along with other cleaners
of that sort) and open all the window in the house to make sure her room doesn't retain the fumes.
Instead my go to cleaning product is Baking Soda. I use it to clean their bathtub, in with the laundry to make my detergent more efficient, sinks, refrigerator, the list goes on and on. I also use it to deodorize the garbage bin, the garbage disposal, and the dishwasher.And my new discovery the carpet!
Boog has been potty trained for five months and is doing great, no accidents during the day! I am very proud of him, but occasionally at night he doesn't make it to the bathroom in time and ends up going on the carpet in his room. So his room ended up having the faint smell of yearn (even after I cleaned it up). I tried everything I could think of to get rid of the smell. My carpet cleaner, a cleaner that is suppose to have enzymes that eat up the left over yearn remnants, nothing was working. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, Baking Soda!
So I tested it out and sprinkled it all over Boog's carpet and let it sit from early in the morning until just before bed, then I vacuumed it up. Sure enough my 6 dollar, 13 pound bag of baking soda (I buy a huge bag from Costco) beat out the 10 dollar, small spray bottle of yearn eating enzyme cleaner!
So here I am proudly proclaiming that I love you Baking Soda! You make my cookies and muffins fluffy and my house clean!
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