I am 29 years old and the mother of a beautiful boy and a gorgeous girl just under two years apart. It is funny how after children I no longer define myself by my job or hobbies but by my title, Mama.
I wasn’t always a mother though….. I was an Art major in college but did not finish my degree (even though I have 115 units under my belt). I switched over to a culinary program and received my certificate in Baking and Patisserie. I met my husband in the program and we just had our five year anniversary in March 2011.
I worked in a few restaurants and bakeries, until I landed a job as Store Manager for a California based Coffee and Tea Company. I gave that job up after I gave birth to my son prematurely. I am now a stay at home mom by day and work a retail job by night.
This almost sounds like a Super Hero, “Humble mother of two by day and fighting crime at night”. Okay maybe it didn’t. I wish I was Wonder Woman though; it sure would make this Mommy gig a lot easier. Anyway I digress and I am rambling. It is hard work and I get very little sleep being a Mom and working at night, but all worth it to raise my children at home with my husband and I. This is very important to our family.
My days are filled with two rambunctious children, so I am constantly trying to find things to entertain them and keep my sanity (which on somedays feels like a losing battle).
Boog’s is my smart little sweetheart who daily struggles with his speech delay. He gets frustrated often because he can’t communicate what he wants to, but each day he is progressing and talking more and more. I am so proud of him. He loves to color, pretend to be a dinosaur and play with Play Dough.
Littles is the sweetest little girl. She is my dancer and lover of all things musical. She is a complete joy to watch dance and sing. And she is awe struck by her older brother. She is constantly fighting for his attention and anything he does, she attempts to do herself.
Between the two of them I am pretty sure I am going to go gray early or completely bald, but either way at least I will do it with a smile. They might be the two that stress me out the most, but they also are the ones that make me laugh the hardest.