Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Last Day

On Wednesday it was Boog’s last day at the Early Start play group. You could tell that he knew it was his last day because at the end of class he went up to everyone (including other Mommies and gave them hugs and kisses.)Then I gave my hugs and goodbyes to all the teachers.

All the teachers are wonderful and played their own part in helping Boog’s speech come as far as it has. I am grateful to each and every one of them. They have been not only Boog’s teachers, but mine too. Watching them with my son and the techniques they used I was able to imitate their sessions on a daily bases to reinforce what he learned.

One of these teachers holds an extra special place in my heart, Mrs. Joan! She and Boog were a perfect fit. Joan always went above and beyond what was required of her. She always seemed to know exactly what to do and say to get Boog to clam down, pay attention, and focus. She was the one that got Boog to make new sounds and words constantly at each visit. I attribute the sudden “explosion” in Boog‘s speech development to her hard work and of course all his hard work too.

When it came time to say goodbye to Mrs. Joan I completely lost it. With her embrace all my gratitude welled up inside of me and came out in the form of tears. It was a mixture of happy and sad tears. Happy because my little boy finally started to talk and we were so fortunate to have a program like Early Start. I was so happy that my son for the last year and three months had been surrounded by these women who REALLY care, not only about Boog, but all the children that come to their program. I know they do, I have seen them in action and you couldn’t do the job they do and be as good at it as they are if you didn’t love these children and their jobs. The sad tears because we are losing them. I guess we will never truly lose them, for every word that Boog utters I will remember the many hours these women spent with him. For every story he tells I will remember their words of encouragement. They have left their mark on my family, one that all of us cherish and wear proudly.

After I dried my tears Joan told me to “please come back and keep them posted on Boog’s progress and to bring Boog and Littles back for visits” (Little was always welcomed and made a part of Boog’s learning process). I promised I would, and I will keep that promise. I think Boog left his mark on her too. He wasn’t always the most compliant child and he definitely didn’t make her job easy, but I think when he started to use two word phrases it was very rewarding to her to see the difference she makes in these young lives.

Thank You Mrs. Joan, you are my hero! Thank You to all the Early Start Team, you amaze me!

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